Update: Now the truth is out it seems that Jason was just having a big old joke… DOH! I have striked out all the details that were wrong.
Jason Calacanis (Founder of Weblogs, Inc., TechCrunch50, Silicon Alley Reporter, Engadget & Mahalo.com) has revealed lots of details of the new Apple Tablet… He pretty much reveals everything except for the name and the look of the device.
Below I have summarised all the information about the device that he has revealed:
Can run Farmville (oh No)
- Connects to other tablets over WiFi for gaming. (Just like every other device in the world)
- Device has built-in chess app. (So does Windows Vista)
- Nintendo wii-level innovation. (Mario carts anyone)
- Inbuilt reader for New Your Times & Vanity Fair (presumably many more)
- 2 cameras to shoot what’s in front of you + yourself. Augmented video conferencing!
- OLED Screen
- Back has solar pad for recharging, but it really doesn’t work quickly.
- Verizon & ATT Support. This means EVDO and/or 3G
- Apple Tablet has thumb pads on each side for mouse gestures, (This confirms the photos on the Gizmodo web site that has two thumb buttons.)
- Reads fingerprint for security. Up to 5 profiles by fingerprint for family
- Battery life is great in eBook reading mode but not great when on wifi or playing games.
- Runs an iphone os flavour with ability to have multiple apps running at same time ie pandora, browser
- The price will be $599, $699 and $799 depending on size and memory in apple tablet. (Probably a subsidised price)
- Wireless keyboard + monitor connection for tv (Could this be Intel Wireless Display)
- The apple tablet is really amazing for newspapers. Video conferencing is super stable, but nothing new.
- The best part of the apple tablet is the built in HDTV tuner and PVR
- Come with a chess game.
Check out is tweets directly at http://www.twitter.com/jason